Pictures from top to bottom: Werewolf, Racer fans, The Ramones, and Billy Idol
I find it odd that a woman wrote about a treacherous woman in medieval times. Usually a woman was to look pretty and have some knowledge of the arts, other didn't write about the betrayal of their own gender. I do like Bisclavret, it is a different kind of fairytale of the time and was written by a woman.
Hubris is excessive pride. We, as Americans, take create pride in many things. I think people are more accepting of hubris today because more people are showing hubris. Hubris could be shown for basketball teams, such as the Racers. The city of Murray, Murray State University, and the surrounding areas are showing a great amount of hubris for the basketball team hy wearing t-shirts, face painting, putting up banners and flags, and copying a mainstream pop song for the Murray State Anthem. Another example of hubris is Punk and punk music. Punks take a lot of pride in their music, style, lifestyle, attitude, and every day living.
Interesting. Thanks. 15 points